Page 116 - 雲林縣政府專刊《雲好物》
P. 116

CH3Stress-Relieving Snacks


ྋΔ          Broad


beansĊ 㥭

҃ᗿ✎⥱⊥㏵ᓻ ⌜᪤Ɩᷤ៌҃     Broad beans, sesame oil and peanuts
ᗿƆ৾ ⿅ᆡ⯮Ӗᄶᄾ⡚ࠟ✎⥱     are known as the Three Treasures of
᪱ Ɩ‫➓ۓ‬ᓻ௎⯭Ȩ⹜Π ‫ۓ‬ᐔ     Beigang. Yunlin used to have many
ᓻ់✎⥱෥៌҃ᗿ␵Ԃᣡ᪦Ƨ      broad bean farms, and because oil pro-
Ɓ ㏌ㄴⳂ⇾ Ӥ൅⥻৞ ᙲՂ     duction plants were scattered throughout
DZǗ⾽Dz౨ෑ ‫⥱✎ൂ؀‬ᮆᖐ⧋     the town, fried broad beans became
Ⅲ ӯ⊖҃ᗿ⹜⮒ᄺⰍ⧼ ⠦Ⱦ     one of Beigang’s famous specialties.
ᮆㄮ                 They are salty, crispy, rich in texture,
                   and have a delicious and unforgettable
                   taste. Those who love broad beans can
                   ¿QG  WKHP  DW  WKH  IDUPHUV¶  DVVRFLDWLRQ  RI 
                   Beigang Township.

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