Page 117 - 雲林縣政府專刊《雲好物》
P. 117

One Bite at a Time


࿍͜      Panna


cottaໂ ᔿ



⿅ᆡ⁧ㄱ৑㉲ࡒⳅਅ⧩஗ ȫၧ              The first panna cotta store in Yunlin
၌Υସᙋࠈⴋ ዏⅢɗ᪩᥿৑᪤              County is located in Gouba Village of
Ƶᡰᠷำ✢ Dzᾥญନ ᾥࠦ᠒              Douliu. The store uses its in-house raw
ᮆၥ௪➓Ⱥ ㉲ࡒⳅᅖ⬆•৚ᙸ              milk stewing technique and adopts a
ぶ ࡒㄴᜤⱀ ȬὸȬҭ ᯏ⼭              handmade and all-natural process. The
᪦ջƳᄶᦇⰍ៌⿅ᆡ⁧Қࠥțญ              panna cotta is smooth and creamy and
ᶓ ᐑ⮜ᖐ⧋Ⅲӯ⊖ᙋࠈՖ᪱ぶ              has low sugar and calories. The store
ࡒⳅ➓Ⱥคջ‫℅ڣ‬Ղ                   products had been selected as one of the
                            top ten souvenirs of Yunlin County. It is
                            available at He-Tian-Shun Panna Cotta
                            in Gouba.

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