Page 113 - 雲林縣政府專刊《雲好物》
P. 113

One Bite at a Time



Pie჊ ‫ݑ‬



ᮆ๲ᣄțญᶓ ⢆Ƙ௪ࠥヰࠜ➏

⌊㏵Ⳃᮞ Π㄃ЌDz⿅ᆡ㐁⦍                                Mandarin Duck Jade Pie is the signa-
                                             ture souvenir from Sweet Way Food in
↬ ⟲⚭ὁ㏵ᾄ ⏅መᾖ۴㌏◼                               Dounan Township. The traditional style
                                             pie is wrapped in sesame meringue, and
㏺DzӚਰᆁᾖ⥱⥱ᓫ ሄል៌                                the filling is made of black pork from
                                             Yunlin, rice mochi from Siluo, duck egg
Ơ ষ℅ΐӽ۸‫ۿ‬ホᅯ Ӥ൅਽                               yolks from Cihtong and ground red bean
                                             paste and walnuts from Pingtung. The
Ꮴ⥻৞ࠟ· ᄶዺᦇ  ⿅ᆡ                                locally-sourced materials are put togeth-
                                             HU  WR  FUHDWH  ULFK  ÀDYRUV   ,W  KDV  ZRQ  WKH 
⋭ջᶓ⥢ᥭᮆ⇅ী                                     2019 Yunlin Select Souvenir award.

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