Page 111 - 雲林縣政府專刊《雲好物》
P. 111

One Bite at a Time


ມ͜      Creeping

ઉຑ      ÁK WIIHW



ൂᦜ ෥៌⮝஁ɞ၌Υସᮆၟ⊦              &UHHSLQJ ¿J MHOO\ KDV EHFRPH RQH RI WKH 
⮒ዏƧƁ ਕΩ၌Υྻᄾ⋭ࡘᮆ              emerging products from Douliu’s ag-
ᒕʸ⊥チ۴ቂǻ ⯔ਛϢ၌Υൂ              riculture. The local weather and terroir
ᦜᆥৱルᚑ ╴ԗ⥻৞ᆥ≘ Ⅶ              conditions produce fruits rich in pectin.
Ωൂᦜ὆Ӥ൅ዕɋ ⋭ࡘᮆջ⧯              The excellent texture and quality have
ᗝᦇᖐ⧋Ⅲࡘ⡲ Ӻ‫ۿ‬ᒈ᯾ӯ⊖              made the jelly popular among consum-
၌Υ௰Ƥൂᦜ۫ӗ⠗ۨ৾ᾫᮆൂ              ers. Freshly-made jelly can be found at
ᦜ ջ‫ڣ‬ၟ㉲ᮆൂᦜϐ                  Hong-Jiu Aiyu Garden in Douliu.

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