Page 115 - 雲林縣政府專刊《雲好物》
P. 115

One Bite at a Time


ઉ૬      Fresh
૵ࡦ      milk
ಶᔿ                          Lunbei Township in Yunlin County is
ߏη                          one of the four major dairy farming
˘㥭                          regions in Taiwan. Hsu’s Ranch and
჌                           Lucky Ranch adopt strict quality control
‫ض‬                           practices and emphasize toxin-free and
ྻ                           traceability management process. The
                            fresh milk by these ranches has earned
                            “non-additive 3-star certification” and

Ӱវ‫⮒ⳅࠥۏ‬ҙƧƁ Ҷ۸⿅ᆡ              won the top 10 gifts award of Yunlin
⁧ન⇔ⱶ ΩƘ⡚ൿ⋭ᣔ‫⊥ޔ‬஄              County. Customers can drink the milk
                            with peace of mind.

⯬Αᣔ‫⊑ ޔ‬௟ջᣄ ‫ڷ‬ለ໺Ế

ః⢹᠇ᑜ˯ய ᙙᙁẾ᧮ ‫ۓ‬ᐔ

ค᪤᪦Ƨ㉲ࡒ Ɗ̬ᦇ఼ ᠇ᗦ

фƆႪ⢚⤩ ᮆひᾫᐩዺ ǎዺ

ᦇ⿅ᆡ⁧Қࠥțญᶓ ⥜ᖐ⧋Ⅲ


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