Page 114 - 雲林縣政府專刊《雲好物》
P. 114

CH3Stress-Relieving Snacks


р້          Dried

ԉസ          longan




ፒ ᑚ஁        ᄽ᮷᪦㒂᯼ ᅰ

ᒈDz㒂᯼ᅓ᪤ᕠ⯝✞ӥᔔៜ‫ݩ‬        Maple Lake Tribe in Douliu grows a
                     large number of longan trees. It is in
਄㒂᯼ᮆᒢϧষΡ∐ƶ ƶᢄ        season between August and October.
                     Villagers roast the harvested longan with
షᮆ㒂᯼ᑋ⇾↝ᗫ ᆥ↬㐁㐊᪠       wood from longan trees to complete-
                     ly dry the harvested longan. After the
᪢ ᅰᒈǎᮀ਴Ϣ ஠՜өឧ㒂       drying process, longan shells become
                     crisp and the inside pulp becomes dark
᯼ƶ ‫׋‬ջ ᐑ⮜ᒈ᯾ӯ⊖ኹፒ       and sweet. The local villagers have also
                     developed a brand, Purely Delicious
ᘠⱙ␢ӗ⡖ƻ⠦              Longan, and it is now available for sale
                     at Maple Lake Tribe.

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