Page 85 - 雲林縣政府專刊《雲好物》
P. 85

83 Tasting the Local Flavors


ၴ౪      Pickled

Бၴ      mustard



㏫৸ⱶᮆ‫⊥᧮ۿ‬ᒕʸቂǻ ༖ɮ                The geographical and weather condi-
ዴ⏝᪤⻩ค⿏ƧȬᙗᩛ߇ фƇ                tions of Mailiao Township provide the
ԗ㏏ǾƧঝチԢ๜ ɗ㏫৸ዴ⏝                low temperature environment required
⎮‫ޟ‬ὖࠥ ↬⧯⇾ौ ӤՂ᪠᪢                for the growth of mustard. The mon-
᪦ⴎȲΡӰ ෥Ƨࠟ ෥៌ዴ⏝                soons with salinity make the stems
ᮆဘⱶ ਕΩ㏫৸ⱶ⮒ᄺƧ㏫৸                of Mailiao mustard thick and big and
                              crunchy, and taste sweet. The output ac-
      ዴ⏝ ⯎⯮⮒╘ᐳ᫄‫ڷ‬ለ             counts for as much as 80% of Taiwan’s
ᮆ᎘㇀ ɗᖐ⧋Ⅲӹ఼঵౛Ә˯                total, making Mailiao the hometown of
ய                             pickled mustard. Mailiao 101 pickled
                              mustard from the farmers’ association in
                              Mailiao has passed rigorous inspections
                              for pesticide residues, so that consumers
                              can eat them with peace of mind.

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