Page 88 - 雲林縣政府專刊《雲好物》
P. 88

CH2Dry Food, Rice and Noodles


‫ه‬ำ   Noodles








      ⿅ᆡ⁧Πᄾࠟ৑̞าରƤᮆ➓㏲  There are many noodle manufacturing
      ⊱ ඏ╃۸‫᠇ ⧯ʹۿ‬ᗦфᮆၟ  shops with tradition in Yunlin County.
      ㉲ホᅯDzӚ⿅ᆡ⋭ࡘᮆႁᠲ⊥ᒕ  The local quality and fresh ingredients
      ʸ ෪Dz̞Ῥญନ ෪Dzᶫপ   without additives and the excellent
      ➓㏲ ‫܇‬Dz✨᪤ ঵᪤ ˯ய   sunshine and environment of Yunlin are
      ៌ㄱ⟳シ౺ ໻Ϣ࡝ᓥ㏫ƶ๤㏲  incorporated into making noodles that
      ᶓ᮳ ࡘ㏲ホƊ஀Ϛᶓ᮳ ญନ  are either traditional handmade or ma-
      ႁᄪⓍᆥ㏲ᶓ᮳ ⮽ᶓ⊑᪩΢ᯏ  chine-made. All products value hygiene,
      ূ               safety and health. There are dry noodle
                      without wheat, extraordinary noodle and
86 ࿽ఢ ␒ᙁ➓㏲⊱༖ɮ         handmade sun-dried vegetable noodle
                      gift boxes available at various shops in
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