Page 84 - 雲林縣政府專刊《雲好物》
P. 84

CH2Dry Food, Rice and Noodles


۞Ҙ         Black

beans۰ 㥭




⟲⚭⹜੃ၧᜢᒢᙖᓩᷳҙ ᒢᙁ    Siluo Township is part of the alluvial
Ӛ۴ࠅջ⧯ʝɋ ɗ఼⟲⚭㐁⥱    plain of Zhuoshui River. The water and
᪤⻩෥ယዕɋ ὒὒルᚑ 㐁ⴐ    soil quality are excellent, which makes
៖Ǔ ✟᪤Ƨᯏ⼭᪦ջ࡝㐁⥱Ⓨ    Siluo black beans grow quickly. The
ᓻ 㐁⥱⍴ ᳭᠀㐁⥱ẇ ‫܇‬৞    grains are full and bright. The related
ԗ᡿ヴ͑ˑ ᗝᦇସ‫⊥ޔ‬ᖐ⧋Ⅲ    products such as black bean oil, black
々ᰑ                bean tea, and roasted black beans are
                  rich in nutritional value, and well re-
                  ceived by the market and consumers.

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