Page 86 - 雲林縣政府專刊《雲好物》
P. 86

CH2Dry Food, Rice and Noodles


౹܎         Sugar








▢ਣ⹜ȫ▧ًҨ஀Ӎ ‫ۿ‬Ѣ஀     Huwei Township is located in Chiayi–
‫ ܕ‬ᒕʸⰁূ ᄾϻၧ᪠Ⓔᮆᷡ    7DLQDQ  3ODLQ   7KH  ÀDW  WHUUDLQ  DQG  SOHDV-
ኒ⊥᪤⻩ ⊑ႁᓽჀᅌ▢ਣᮀ਴    ant weather are conducive to the plant-
➓ὸ᪦ዏ ⊖ǡ⨩⯮ᮂ஁ ΩƘ    ing and growth of sugarcane. Since the
᪦ⴎ᷄਎ƏᣡᐩƧ ▢ਣὸ      Japanese colonization period, the sugar
ὸՂㄴⳘ ᪢஠ዕ㇮ Ϊᄾళࡘ    industry in Huwei has been around for
ᮆջ⧯ ᐑ⮜Ӻ‫ۿ‬ᒈ᯾Бభ▢ਣ    more than 100 years. The local special-
ὸ௎                ty, Huwei sugar, is rare and has a high
                  degree of sweetness and quality. It is
                  QRZ DYDLODEOH DW +XZHL 6XJDU 5H¿QHU\ 

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