Page 48 - 雲林縣政府專刊《雲好物》
P. 48

CH1Fresh Fruits and Vegetables


ᐠ͜   Green

ࠧন   bamboo

˘ѻ   shoots

၌Ҩ⹜៌៖ᑋ ṓẋᄸႄᮆሉᷡ  Dounan Township is known for be-
‫ۿ‬ҙ ᪦ⴎȲΡۨDŽ⊖Υ෥Ƨ   ing the area that grows green bamboo
ࠟ ջ⧯Ƴ̏ӟヶュᫀᮆ⇅ী   shoots the earliest. It accounts for about
᪦ঝ ᄽᮆ៖ᑋ ṓẋ ࠜᑋ   50% to 60% of the national production,
⋯ᜉ 㐁 ӤՂ᪢Ƙୖ⌽ Ὰौ  and the food industry highly recognizes
ࠟᒩ Ⰱӽᖬ๤ ᗫ⑶ẇ၍᧮ၥ  the quality. Green bamboo shoots are in
௪ ᐑ⮜ᖐ⧋Ⅲ⊖⿅ᆡ⁧၌Ҩ⹜  season between April and July. The out-
⮒ᄺӗ⠗Ⰽ⧼          er shell looks slightly dark green, and
                the taste is slightly sweet with a touch
                of bitterness and is tender and juicy.
                They are suitable for cold and steamed
                dishes. The local production is mostly
                sold through the farmers’ association of
                Dounan Township in Yunlin County.

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