Page 43 - 雲林縣政府專刊《雲好物》
P. 43

Digesting Original Flavors of the Land


ᐹ‫ڒ‬      Passion
Ᏼ̰      fruit
າѺ              The quality water and soil from Zhu-
ᖃࢶ              oshui River have enabled Linnei Town-
‫ڍݡ‬              ship to grow a variety of fresh produce,
                and passion fruit is one of the emerging

                item grown in town. The Linnei passion
                fruit is grown by organic farming. The

ᆡΠⱶɞ⊑ၧᜢᒢᙖᮆʹ⧯ᒢᙁ  fruit has juicy flesh and a unique and
⊥۴ࠅ ɗ఼ᆡΠⱶᮆ⮒᪦ࠟ·  rich aroma. It is in season in January
                and February, making it one of the new
                choices of Lunar New Year gifts.

⥻৞ ᮂㄴᆥҶႶΩƘƁᷡၟ⊦

ᒢᆥ ᆡΠᮂㄴᆥ Dzᄾ፯⮒ᔔ

ሉᷡ ᆥ↬ルᚑࠟᒩ ㄴᒕ᥿ᣡ

ᜤⱀ ᮷᪦ᅌ៌ ᄽ Ƴ෥៌


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