Page 44 - 雲林縣政府專刊《雲好物》
P. 44

CH1Fresh Fruits and Vegetables


ྺ‫ڒ‬         Taro




ᆡΠ⋽ゑᷡኒƧ᪦‫ࠟ ۿ‬۸ᆡΠ   Taro from Linnei is mostly grown in
ⱶ៖ުᅰ ៖ު ഹҶ 㐁⋯    “Wu-Tu” Village. Wu-Tu means “black
ᮆ۴ ۴⧯↿ᓗ఼тၧᜢᒢᙖ    soil”, and the fertile soil is made possi-
ᮆᙖᒢ ᆡΠ⋽ゑ៌Ꭲዤ౛⋽    ble by the nearby Zhuoshui River. The
⮝஁ɞณ⯔⊑෦ջᣄ ᐓԂ៌    local community has tried to establish
                 an independent brand, thus the name of
   ᆡΠ⋽ゑ ᆡΠ⋽ゑ Ӥ൅  “Linnei taro”. It is soft in texture and
㈉• ⋽ᒕҚ⩈ ‫ۏ‬ঝᮇ᪦ ᯏ   has a rich aroma. It is produced all year
⼭ᮆ᪦ջ਴⶯Ӥ᳓ዕɋ ෥៌ᆡ   round. Word of mouth for the related
Πᣡ⋯⮒᪦Ƨၟຍፂ        product is excellent, making taro a new
                 benchmark product in Linnei.

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