Page 46 - 雲林縣政府專刊《雲好物》
P. 46

CH1Fresh Fruits and Vegetables


‫ڌ‬ำ         Oriental


melonௐ 㥭



ન⇔ⱶ ƾનⱶ‫܇‬ȫၧᜢᒢᙖҨ  Lunbei Township and Erlun Township
ੵ ᒢ⧯⊥ᒕʸቂǻ‫܇‬ɋ ⽣ƻ  are both located on the south bank of
ᱮԂᮆᔸㄴ᩷Ƨࠜ ᮷᪦ᅌ    Zhuoshui River, and the local water
ᄽᮆㄴ᩷ǎႶᣡ⋯ᣕ᪦ ⿅ᆡㄴ  quality and weather conditions are
᩷៌ ᆁၥ᪢᩷ ᮆƁᷡ ✮ᮞ  good. In addition to the well-known
⬸┊ ᩷↬ᮁ  ホ᪩⨡ɞᢸӤ  cantaloupe, the oriental melon harvested
ㄴ᪢ ៌࠘ႁᖐჲƧ↑ջ ᖐ⧋  between July and October is a special-
Ⅲӯ⊖ƾનⱶ⮒ᄺ ન⇔ⱶΤค  ty product. Yunlin oriental melon has
ӗ⠗Ⰽ⧼            a thinner rind, and the refreshing and
                sweet jade white flesh makes the fruit
                one of the top refreshers in summer. The
                fruit is available at the farmers’ associ-
                ation in Erlun and the Lunbei Township

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