Page 38 - 雲林縣政府專刊《雲好物》
P. 38

CH1Fresh Fruits and Vegetables



Ӱ⟲ⱶȫၧ⿅ᆡ⁧ᄸ⟲Ṑ Ⲙ⮝         Taisi Township is located at the western-
Ӱវᖀઘ ヴᐱᚓዏᮀ⯴ ΩƘ         most point of Yunlin County. It is close
၄☎ʹ⧯㉲℅ ᪦ⴎਨΡۨƧ          to the Taiwan Strait, and has very devel-
λ Ӱ⟲❜⥎៌ ☎Ǥᮆဘⱶ          RSHG  ORFDO  DTXDFXOWXUH  ¿VKHULHV   7DLVL¶V 
ᑚ஁ ᄽ⊧⮋ ⿅ᆡᣡ⋯၄☎          production of clams leads Taiwan, and
Ị ╃᪲၄☎਴ᵂ⊥ṑ⧽ᕠљ          the clams are delicious, naturally mak-
௟ṃӰ⟲၄☎ᮆջᣄగ⦄ ᐑ⮜         ing Taisi the “hometown of clams”.
Ρۨᒈ᯾Ɓԁջ‫ڣ‬۸‫⧯ʹۿ‬ᮆ⮒         Yunlin County holds its “clam festival”
ᚓ᪦ջ                    every October to establish the brand
                       image of Taisi clams through exhibi-
                       tions and competitions which welcome
                       all visitors to taste the locally produced
                       quality aquaculture products.

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