Page 53 - 雲林縣政府專刊《雲好物》
P. 53

Digesting Original Flavors of the Land


൴Ⓙ   Carambola




⏅መⱶȫ▧ᜢᒢᙖҨੵ ྻᄾʹ  Located on the south bank of Zhuoshui
⧯ᮆᒢᙁ ↿ᓗᮆ۴ࠅ ᒕʸᙗ  River, Cihtong Township has high-qual-
Ֆ ៌ۨΠ᪤᪦ኲልƧⴌ⟳᪦   ity water sources, fertile soil, and mild
‫ ۿ‬᪤᪦Ƨኲልջ⧯ǎਨΡۨƧ  weather. It is an important production
λ ⏅መኲልᄾᆥᷙルᚑ ᪢஠  area for carambola, and the quality here
㇮ Ⅺʕখẇᣡ㐋 ᪦ঝ ᄽ   is also the best in the country. Cihtong
⊖ ᄽ ᗝᦇସ‫⇅ޔ‬ী ᖐ⧋Ⅲ  carambola has a high degree of sweet-
ӯ⊖⏅መⱶ⮒ᄺӗ⠗Ⰽ⧼     ness, and can stay fresh for a long time.
                It is in season from October to March,
࿽ఢ ╲ⱀპ          and is already highly recognized by
                the market. It is mostly available for
                purchase at the farmers’ association of
                Cihtong Township.

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