Page 56 - 雲林縣政府專刊《雲好物》
P. 56

CH1Fresh Fruits and Vegetables


‫ܛ‬α         Pumpkin




‫ۏ‬ᘠⱶ៌⿅ᆡ⁧⟲ҨƁΫ‫ܪ‬ᮆᔁ  Sihu Township is a rural coastal settle-
ᖀ⮒ᅰ↓␢ Ω᥿ᣡᮆᓫ‫ۿ‬۴   ment in the southwest of Yunlin County.
⧯ ᯏ᫔ⰁӽᷡኒҨ᩷ ‫ۓ‬ᐔջ  Its unique sandy soil is suitable for
⧯ʹ⋭ ᪦ⴎḂী Ҩ᩷ΪᄾႥ  planting pumpkins, and the area produc-
ሉ‫ ݩ‬Ⅺ⧀╇ ᡿ヴ㇮ᮆᣡ⋯   es a stable supply of excellent quality.
᪢㏌၍᧮‫܇‬ӽⰁ ǎⰁӽ➓Ⱥ෥  Pumpkins are easy to grow and have a
Ӻ௪ホջ ࡝ⴐ᩷ᜤᘴ ⴐ᩷⿁  long shelf life and high nutritional value.
⌜ẇᣡ᪦ ᖐ⧋Ⅲӯ⊖‫ۏ‬ᘠⱶ⮒  They are suitable for a variety of sweet
ᄺӗ⠗Ⰽ⧼           and salty dishes, such as pumpkin soup,
                powder and other specialties. They can
                be purchased at the farmers’ association
                of Sihu Township.

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