Page 75 - 雲林縣政府專刊《雲好物》
P. 75

73 Tasting the Local Flavors


ৰ˾      Rice

ΟѼ      noodles

ȫၧ⿅ᆡ⁧ᔁᖀᮆӤᘠⱶ ⽣ƻ                Located in the coastal area of Yunlin
ΡӰᱮԂᮆヴᐱᚓዏࠜ ὁὍᄰ                County, Kouhu Township has a well-
Ⴖ᫔‫ۿ‬ƧԂ᪦ ਕΩӤᘠὁὍDz                known aquaculture and fishery indus-
⑶ᮆၥ௪៌Ơ ᄾϹၧΩǦ‫ۿ‬                 tries, and its rice noodles are also a local
ҙ ‫ۓ‬ᐔ᪤᪦ƧὁὍ⬝Ƙୖ                  specialty. The rice noodles produced in
ဪᮀホᅯӍࢍƧㄴᒕ ӟϾۨΠ                Kouhu are usually steamed, which is dif-
ࠜӺ‫ۿ‬ᖐ⧋Ⅲᮆࡘ⡲                     ferent from other regions. The noodles
                              are soft with a hint of chewiness, and
                              consumers love its original aroma from
                              the ingredients at home and abroad.

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