Page 70 - 雲林縣政府專刊《雲好物》
P. 70

CH2Dry Food, Rice and Noodles



ࠥ‫᥿఼ࠦⱶݙ‬Ӊᮆᒕʸ ‫⊥᧮ۿ‬         Dapi Township’s unique weather, geog-
᪦ዏΐጐ ɗ఼ࠥ‫⏝Ⳏݙ‬෥៌Ơ         raphy and industry structure have made
⟳ᣡ᪦ Ⳏㄴᜤⱀ Ӥ൅⇾ौᮆ         pickled mustard greens its key local pro-
Ⳏ⏝ȲΡӰΣ෥DzƇᮆ᪦ⴎ ࠥ         duce. The locally made pickled mustard
‫ݙ‬Ƴ❜⥎៌ Ⳏ⏝ᮆဘⱶ ᑚ          JUHHQV  ZLWK  ULFK  ÀDYRUV  DQG  FULVS\  WH[-
஁ ᄽ⊧⮋ ࠥ‫⏝Ⳏݙ‬Ị            ture account for more than 80% of the
DzⳎ⏝၄҂ ‫ۿ‬ၥ᪤ᕠӚᩛ߇ဥ         production in Taiwan, and the town has
⇇ẇ៌Ơ⬮ Ⱅ⣃⮒ᒈ਴ַᯏ⼭         been known as the hometown of pickled
⮒ᣡ᪦ ⥜Ρۨᒈ᯾⇸ɞ‫⏝Ⳏޔ‬         mustard greens. Dapi hosts its pickled
᪦‫ۿ‬Ƨၮ                   mustard greens festival every Novem-
                       ber, which focuses on the culture of the
                       vegetable, local life and environmental
                       education, and farmers are invited to
                       showcase their agricultural products.

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