Page 77 - 雲林縣政府專刊《雲好物》
P. 77

Tasting the Local Flavors


͇Δ      Sesame





቎ Beigang Township is a traditional agri-

                                   culture community. The soil and weath-

                                   er conditions are suitable for growing

                                   various crops, further driving the growth

                                   of many food processing plants. Ses-

                                   ame-related products such as powder

҃ᗿ⹜៌Ɓ̞Ῥᮆ⮒ዏᵄᄺ ۴                     have established a reputation in the mar-

ࠅ ⊥ ᒕ ʸ ቂ ǻ Ⰱ ӽ Ӻ ௪ Ⱥ ᣕ ᷡ ket. They are available in many stores in

ኒ ǎୖљӺグホջфନ௎ Ω town.


Ԃ↖⯰Ⱌ ର۸ସ‫ޔ‬௟ṃӤ᳓


⮟फᵙ ʕ஀঵

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