Page 71 - 雲林縣政府專刊《雲好景》
P. 71

69 Walking into Mountains and Forests


ᘹГ    The Beigang


۩     Daughter Bridge

Ӎ៌⯬Ⓔ᪩⺱፠ Ⰳᕏᒢᓩၣష                   Originally a steel bridge for transporting
DzΉᚑ᧧ǰ൅ᮆ⺱ឤ⋯⷟ጐ⊦௟                   FDQH   WKH  EULGJH  ZDV  EURNHQ  E\  D  ÀRRG  
⻩ Τਠᮆၟ፠ ‫܄⊨ۓ‬௟                     Later, a new 113-meter-long bridge was
ၟ፠ ᷤ៌ࡐΑ፠ ፠Ƈᄾࠥ਌                   built with a modern, iron-gray steel
ƊƁᮆᦻᨽ۬঒ ӯDzƁ⠔⊨⺱                   structure. Because of the new bridge
⯳⊥҃ᗿᙖ                            built on the old site, it is called the
                                 Daughter Bridge. There are glass holes
࿽ఢ ⿅ᆡ⁧ပச༖ɮ                       of various sizes on the bridge, providing
                                 a view of the old railroad tracks and the
                                 Beigang River.

Embankment Rd. Beigang Township

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