Page 67 - 雲林縣政府專刊《雲好景》
P. 67

Walking into Mountains and Forests


ེ‫ټ‬   Taliwu

຋π   ultural
Ѝं   Park





Ԃᷤᙁ⊑ᕏ⾣ၴǦⴋ⿬ᵄ ƳႶ                        The name of the Park is derived from             65
၌Ҩ⊨‫ۿ‬Ԃ Ǧⴋ⿬၄҂۫ҙ᪲                        the name of the Taliwu community
၌Ҩ⬎Ṇௐቘʪதထ௟Ⅶ෥ ۫                        of the Hoanya tribe, which is also the
ΠDŽࠥ‫ޔ‬ㄇ ᪤ᕠ℅পㄇ                           former name of Dounan. The Taliwu
⿌ఢㄇ Ǧⴋ⿬₟ᅖㄇ Ǧⴋ⿬                        Cultural Park was converted from an
ᚲ᫐ㄇ ⿅ᆡᩛ߇ဥ⇇ㄇ Dz਴                        abandoned warehouse at Dounan Station.
⠔ ⿌ఢՖӺ௪㇫㇀៌Ơ ᠇⣋                        7KHUH  DUH  ¿YH  PDMRU  YHQXHV  LQ  WKH  SDUN  
Ⴖ║၄ൂࡘⅢ෪⼨৑Χ✞ᮇDŽႪ                        the Aesthetics of Life Museum, the 68
໻┨                                    Movie Museum, the Taliwu Picture
                                      Book Museum, the Taliwu Comic Book
࿽ఢ Ǧⴋ⿬၄҂۫ҙ༖ɮ                          Museum, and the Yunlin Environmental
                                      Education Museum, which are mainly
                       27             focused on exhibitions, movies, and
    +886-5-596-2507                   various experiences. Whether you’re an
    10:00-18:00                       art lover or coming on a family trip, this
No. 27, Nanchang Rd. Dounan Township  place is highly recommended!
10:00-18:00 (Closed on Mon. - Tues.)
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