Page 66 - 雲林縣政府專刊《雲好景》
P. 66

CH2Backpacking Solo


ࡌ঎   The Irrigation
ֳႝ   Museum




      ΡӰㄱ஡DzᒢϻƠア۫ҙ ਴ᵂ                               The first park in Taiwan with the theme
      ㄇ╃᪲ఢ̴ ፈ‫ܪ‬Ֆᒢϻ‫ڄ‬Ϊ                                of water conservancy, the exhibition hall
      ৱ⾉਴ᵂ⮒ዏ⩩ᒢϻƧ⻼ᮆ⼭                                emphasizes the relationship between
      ɿ ‫▧ۿۓ‬ᜢᒢᙖƇᘇ DzΣү                               agriculture and water conservancy
      ᒾፈፉԮ᧧ᮆᆡΠϧᒢନȺΉᚑ                               through images, models and water
      ⠗⧤ಝ⊥ဥ⇇͑ˑ                                     conservancy equipment. Because it is
                                                   located in the upper reaches of Zuoshui
           ࿽ఢ ⿅ᆡ⁧ပச༖ɮ                              River, the water diversion works in
                                                   Linnei Township, which is presented in
                                        9-2        the form of a Bagua shaped pond is full
            +886-5-589-0717                        of appreciative and educational value.

         No. 9-2, Sanxing Linnei Township
         Mon. & Wed. & Fri. 13:30-16:30 Will open
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