Page 69 - 雲林縣政府專刊《雲好景》
P. 69

Walking into Mountains and Forests


Ϡქ   Erlun
ၗຍ   Nature Trail


Ӎ៌⊑ఃࠥ፠ƈ⻩஁ᷳᓫᮆʕ঵                   It used to be a protection forest under the
ᆡ‫ ۿ‬ష ᆡѝਥ௟⡘෥៌᪤൞                   Ziqiang Bridge, which had been silted
ᐕ⯳ ⾐ᓫƒ⨡ȋ⻼ӯ ⯮⡘⃭                   by sand for many years. It was later built
ኒᣕ᪤൞⠦⢭ᣄᮆ၄ṓቴ⯳ ӿ                   into an ecological trail by the Forestry
ᾳ፠ ⠗ᘠ஀Ӱẇ⡘ၨ ᄸషᩛ                   Bureau. As the sand dunes rise and fall,
ᘠⅦᐝ                              you can pass by the asparagus fern trails,
                                 cable bridges, and lake viewing platforms
                                 with plant ecological explanation boards
                                 as you circle the lake.

࿽ఢ ㇮Ⅎᨘ

Near Taiping Rd. Erlun Township

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