Page 130 - 雲林縣政府專刊《雲好景》
P. 130

CH4Season's Limited


ར૲   Mountain
᛻ֽ   Ebony Orchid
۞ Blossom
     Avenue (March)

ɰㄿ΍ۨƘຍፂ⨜ ӯ⭇㈉๓⯴                                   If you follow the signs of Maguang
•௝΢Τⴋ⻩ᮆ⟲Ꮞ⌜ࠥ⯳ ⯍                                   Junior High School, you can easily reach
⮝қᇺᮆҳ஠Ꮞ⌜ᐓႶ⹜Τคၧ                                   the two-kilometer-long West Cherry
ㄿ΍ۨƘ௟ᇵჀᷡኒ ᑚ஁Ɔ⊖                                   Blossom Avenue. Nearly 1,000 mountain
‫ۏ‬ᄽ⌜⻴Ƞ⸁ ᠇္ൂ⌜Ǘɞᐔ                                   ebonies were planted by the town
⨜Ⴏ ๥ᠲ                                            office when the school was built. Every
                                                 year from March to April, countless
                                                 anthophiles (flower lovers) come here to
                                                 stroll around and take pictures.

           ࿽ఢ ⿅ᆡ⁧۴த⹜નΠᵄҙᮀ਴ҧᄺ༖ɮ

                            101( )

         Near No. 101, Heping St. Tuku Township
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