Page 125 - 雲林縣政府專刊《雲好景》
P. 125

New Routes for Four Seasons


‫؞‬ৠ   Purple Crow
༼৪   Butterfly Season
Ċ 㥭 (March-April)

ࠥⴎπቾᮆᾶ၇♽ు㇮⾢҃Ƈ         A large number of wintering purple crow
ᑚ஁Ⴏϧ⊖ᗫႠỊ ᐓࡘⰌాϾ        butterflies travel north from Kaohsiung
ᆡΠ⠶Ӥ ៌᪤൞ʕ⇇ ۨ⯳᪡        and migrate to Chukou in Linnei
⊖ᄁჀਁ⻳ࠜ˺⬎⯳Ɩᆯ⡘⥉♽        Township from the spring equinox to
‗ ᪲ၧペ⨫ᜢᒢᙖჀ♽ᓶࠋ         the Qingming Festival every year. For
⠗ ❜⟽៌Ӱវ᪤൞࠵ლ           the sake of ecological conservation, the
                      freeways that pass through this region
࿽ఢ ⿅ᆡ⁧♻♽ဘƽㄇ༖ɮ         even temporarily close the outer lane and
                      erect a butterfly protection net. Due to the
    +886-5-589-2001   spectacular sight of the butterfly swarms
           3-4        over Zuoshui River, it is regarded as an
                      ecological wonder in Taiwan.
Linnei Township
Event on Mar. - Apr.                                                                    123
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