Page 120 - 雲林縣政府專刊《雲好景》
P. 120

CH4Season's Limited



⎄ଐᏎ⌜ঝၧᱹ߭チლҙ⊧⮋ ⌜                        The Caoling Cherry Blossom Season
ᖀ•௝ੇଝ ᕷᚲᚑ‫ ⌝ݍ‬ుᒕʸ                        is located in the Shibi Scenic Area,
ᥝᄾৣഹᮆᑚ஁ƾᄽƘႅ⨡ ƘҨ                        and the sea of flowers stretches across
ⱙᮆ⧤Ꮞџ‫ۿ‬ㄱ໻ሉኒ္Қ஁Ꮞ⌜                        the mountains, filling the whole area
ፒᮆ⎄ଐ ⊑⁧⯳ ᯌƇ Ⅶ•                         with a romantic ambiance. From the
௝္ⴋ ు⎄ଐ⾏⯳ΟӤ▧ ᱹ߭                        middle of February, when the weather
╲৑⮒‫⊖ޔ‬Ʊ⋿ᵟᅓ Ʊ⋿ᵟᅓభ                        is still chilly, the best cherry blossom
ᱹ߭ǩ⥦ Ɔቂ⩷″ᮇᄾӯ⠗Ƨ▧                        viewing spot in the south central region
                                       of Taiwan is Caoling, where visitors
           ࿽ఢ ╲৑⮒‫ޔ‬༖ɮ              149  can admire cherry blossom trees that
                                       have been standing for decades. From
            +886-5-583-1085            County Highway 149, it goes straight
                   2 -3                up and meanders for miles. From the
                                       entrance to the Caoling Tunnel, through
         Caoling Gukeng Township       the Su Family Farm in Shibi, to the Jiu
118 Event on Feb. mid - Mar.           Qiong Ancient Tree, all the way to Shibi
                                       Valley, all three routes have something
                                       marvelous to see.
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