Page 128 - 雲林縣政府專刊《雲好景》
P. 128

CH4Season's Limited



       ᑚ஁⮒ᄒ ᄽᮆ҃ᗿफᵙⰋ߇ Ⴖ                 The annual Beigang Mazu procession
       Ӱវ৾⧄ᮆۨ৑᠇గ၄҂⧖᪦ ႀ                 in March is a valuable national intangi-
       ᄾ║⼄ ᒈʏ║✢ Ӻ‫✮⽢║ۿ‬ᚡ                 ble cultural asset of Taiwan. It is often
       ᄰ⇸Ֆۨ৾ᾫᵟ⭱⮝⩨⾼໹⠶ ❜                 quipped as a “second” New Year’s
       ᷤȺ҃ᗿǗᮆṵƾᏤ⯮஁ ⊧‫ۿ‬ԁ                 celebration for the people of Beigang,
       ᐑ ਕDz║⼄⯫✞ᄸ៌␵Ԃ ࡝⮬                 with Yi-Ge decorations, folk art, and
       ࠉਢጱ۫⌜⬎⯫✞ ณร࡝ᵟǩƈ                 performances by folk art troupes from
       Ϛᮆࠥ਌ᅀӛ۸Ⰻ߇Ⴠណƈὸᆥヰ                 all across Taiwan, as well as close en-
       ƶ ⦄౐␵฻ᵼᒕ̞ྰϢӖ                    counters with the “National Treasure”,
                                       the holy palanquin of the Mazu statue.
           ࿽ఢ Ⓝ࠵ᩄ ଩ ⿅ᆡ⁧ပச༖ɮ ӳ          The most famous parade is the Yi-Ge, a
                                       W\SH  RI  WUDGLWLRQDO  GHFRUDWLRQ  RQ  ÀRZHU 
                   3                   cars, which adorns the vehicle like a
         Downtown of Beigang Township  ÀRDWLQJ  'LVQH\ODQG  SDUDGLVH   &RVWXPHG 
         Around the Lunar Mar.         performers on the flower car shower
126                                    onlookers with candies, symbolizing the
                                       spreading of good fortune.
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