Page 133 - 雲林縣政府專刊《雲好景》
P. 133

New Routes for Four Seasons


ᔛ෢   Yunlin           Zhaoan
ኛщ   Hakka            Cultural
Ұ‫މ‬   Festival


‫( މ‬September-October)

⡱঵ৃ৑ၴℓ៌✮ਊᵙΌᮆઝ         In order to epitomize their respect for
ေ ໶ᾳƖั‫ۑ‬ၴℓ၄҂ ‫ۓ‬Ⅶ        their ancestors and explore and maintain
̗᪤ৃ৑၄҂Ị ⯗ΐન⇔ ƾ        their cultural heritage, the Hakka Cultural
ન ⟲⚭Ɔⱶ⹜ ⊧⮋⯫ৃ஌         Festival was born. The festival is linked
ᙖᦞᵫẇᒈʏൿΫ Ɩ‫ݩ‬ኒۨ਌        to the three towns of Lunbei, Erlun, and
প᪤Dz⊵⪺ ℅প ৃ৑ᥨ║ᐖ        Xiluo. It hosts folklore festivals such
✢Ԯ᧧̞Ῥ၄҂ၟᕠт            as the Tour of the Hakka Villages and
                      the Xiwang Folk Festival and training
࿽ఢ ⿅ᆡ⁧ပச༖ɮ            elementary school students in dance,
                      aesthetics, and Hakka lion dance and
                      martial arts to present a new vitality in
                      traditional culture.


Lunbei Erlun Xiluo
Event on Sep. - Oct.

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