Page 13 - 雲林縣政府專刊《雲好店》
P. 13

50 Tourism Factory                                       72 Corner of Scrolls

52 029 ࠥԁⳲᓻ㐁ⴐⴂ⯔ㄇ                                         74 039 ⌜‫ۉ‬ៜ᠀‫܉‬

          Douliu The Tatung Soy Sauce Museum                       Douliu Hua Xi Bakery

54 ĴĴ 030 ᅋ⿵㉄⊱⠗΍ନ௎                                       76 ĴĴ 040 ଲⓟ⌜᪤℘௪ญȺρᖵᖹ

                          The Chaolu Fish Stall Tourism                            Barre Peanuts Gelato
                                                         77 ĴĴ 041 Ɔ਌ସ⾤ホ⇇‫ۿݪ‬
56 ĴĴ031 ⾣↖੷ⴋᖀੵ⠗΍ନ௎
                                                                                   Tri-Small Market and Food
                          ARWIN BALI BEACH                                         Education Base

58 ĴĴ032 ިӾᣡқ਽◼ίࠥɗㄇ                                      78 ĴĴ042 ‫ۏ‬ǰᯆ㏫⌧Ⳃ

                          Touched Embassy                                          Fourth Generation Malt Crisps

60 033 ᵼᵴࠐ⠗΍ⲵ௎                                           79 ĴĴ043 ԁை

          Gukeng Fortune Brewery                                                   aTomic Kitchen

62 034 ⊦⽹ᑣଶ⠗΍ନ௎                                          80 ĴĴ044 ࠟⰯƧ ၌Υባ᧫‫ޔ‬ၹ⋦஗

Huwei  Shing Long Textile                                                          'RQXWHV &RৼHH 	 FDNH EDNLQJ DW 
                                                                                   Douliu Baseball Stadium
64 035 ƞ⎣Ⳳᓻ⠗΍ନ௎
                                                         81 ĴĴ045 ᾪ⮒ᄳ⽡ ᇇ₏ᾪญШ↓␢
Xiluo  Wuan Chuang Soy Sauce
                                                                                   Papercraft Village - Dyeing and
66 036 ᙁぶ⌊㏵⠗΍ᓻ௎                                                                    Weaving Handcraft Settlement

          Tuku God-Bene Sesame Museum                    82 ĴĴ046 ␵⮴ ¬ ホ⻼

68 037 ⋭Ⱥନ‫⮒ޔ‬ዏ၄Шㄇ                                                                   Enchanted Café

Dapi   Nextland                                          83 ĴĴ 047 ⽳Ӱ⌜ஔ

70 038 Ӱវ㊊᪤൞Шഹ۫ҙ                                                                   Balcony Sense

Kouhu  Tilapia Ecological and                            84 ĴĴ 048 ㆥ՝‫כ‬
       Creative Park
                                                                                   6R &RৼHH

                                                         85 049 ଲ᭿՝‫כ‬ਅ⧩஗

                                                                   Gukeng        %DUGHQ &RৼHH

                                                         ำ86 ĴĴ 050 Шጱএ᪤ᕠপ⌬ ࠟ↬
                                                                                   Strong Love
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