Page 20 - 雲林縣政府專刊《雲好物》
P. 20

CH1Fresh Fruits and Vegetables



      ㄿⵒ┭ ❜ᔔۨǗᷤƧ៌ ‫╵ۿ‬    Potato is called pommes de terre, or
      ᆥ ᡿ヴ͑ˑ㇮ Ⅶ၌Ҩ⹜ᮆ     “ground apple” by the French people,
                        and has high nutritional value. Dounan
         ‫╵ۿ‬ᆥ ȲƻΡӰƆϧƧƁDz  Township accounts for 1/3 of Taiwan’s
      Ƈᮆ᪦ⴎ ӯ⣯Ⴖ‫╵ۿ‬ᆥᮆဘ     potato production. The sandy soil, good
      ⱶ ၌Ҩ⹜ᮆᲁ⧯۴ࠅ ⋭ࡘ໩    drainage and natural weather condi-
      ᒢDzӚࠦʸቂǻ ҚϧⰁӽㄿⵒ    tions in Dounan are very suitable for
      ┭ᮆ᪤⻩ ᮷᪦ᅌ ᄽ Ӥ൅     the growth of potatoes, which is in the
      •৚ ᑚ஁ ᄽჀᄺ⊧⮋ ၌Ҩ    season from January to March when the
      ㄿⵒ┭Ị ໻௑᡿ヴ㇮ ջ⧯     texture is rich. Dounan Potato Festival
      ɋᮆ၌Ҩㄿⵒ┭ ໻Ϣ⡚ࠟㄿⵒ    is held every February to promote the
      ┭ᮆШഹ၍᧮ ̏ӟⱶ⠊⊥⯫ৃ    nutritious and quality potatoes grown in
      ᮆᐑ⮜               town. Many creative dishes introduced
                        have become very popular among the
18 ࿽ఢ ╲ⱀპ               local people and all visitors.
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