Page 130 - 雲林縣政府專刊《雲好物》
P. 130

CH4Cultural Creativity Fine Goods


չำ          Handmade


soap҉ չ

⿅ᆡ⁧ΠᱮԂᮆญȺᮅ ᄾ۴த  Goose oil soap from Si-Lian Handicraft
‫ۉ‬ේญȺ‫܉‬ᮆ ㌲ᓻᮅ DzӚ·  Workshop in Tuku and Carrot soap from
⻩‫؀‬ጱ℅ᮅ‫܉‬ᮆ ⇦▙Ⓑᮅ    Si-Le-Mei Soap Workshop in Yuan-
㌲ᓻᮅ Dz㌲ᓻ៌➓Ⱥ‫ݪ‬க ⧯  chang are well-known handmade soaps
‫ۿ‬ᙗՖᾺ⁌ ʕᜱӘΪʛ⥉т   from Yunlin County. Goose oil soap has
⇦▙Ⓑᮅ Ќ⯬᪩ᾱᄾᆁၥ਌Ǘ  a mild and delicate texture, and mois-
ӗƧᷤᮆ⇦▙Ⓑ ৞ԗࠦ᠒⇦▙  turizes and repairs skin. Carrot soap
ⒷᾱՖ‒᪤ᾱ ⇸ʛై↯≒    contains natural carotene and vitamin E,
ထ‫ ⧯≒׮‬΢᏷⿅ᆡญନᮅ ‫܇‬  and can repair skin and improve texture.
ӟϾᖐ⧋Ⅲࡘ⡲         Both kinds of handmade soaps from
                Yunlin are well received by customers.

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