Page 135 - 雲林縣政府專刊《雲好物》
P. 135

Beautiful Things for Daily Life


૞Ҙ      Mochi






⟲⚭㏵ᾄ⮝஁ɞ⫮Ҟ᫔‫ۿ‬ᄸࠬᮆ  Siluo mochi has become one of the most
țญᶓ ㏵ᾄዏⅢ஄ᵼ℻”Dz⟲  popular gifts from the town. Happy
⚭ᜢᒢᙖ᪦ ႁᅖᮈ৅ౄ᪩Ƨᦎ  Siang Chi the rice grown using the wa-
ᾞὁɞ➓Ⱥ ‫ۓ‬ᐔ㏵ᾄӤ൅    ter from Zhuoshui River and used also
ఊ ⬝ⅦƊᢤ ƖDz۸‫⌜ۿ‬᪤   by the Japanese royal family to make
⌊㏵ ᲁὸẇ៌Ȯ၍ ƊᔀญƳ  Siluo mochi. It is tender, soft and not
Ɗ㏿ᣊ ᗝӟᒈ᯾‫ ൂ؀‬Ƴ⯔ਛ  mushy. Locally-sourced peanuts, sesame
Ϣ⟲⚭ᮆ㇮Ǘᒕ‫׋‬ջ       and sugar are used as condiments. It has
                become a very popular item from Siluo.

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