Page 23 - 雲林縣政府專刊《雲好景》
P. 23

Places to Recharge During Holidays


Ꭴ̋   Zhanghu Junior

‫۞ޏ‬   and Elementary

ጯ School of Ecology

ፆᘠ᪤൞ۨᒈƘ਌প̬۸˗ႁਊ                   Zhanghu Junior and Elementary School
ࠜ⻴န ‫ۓ‬ㄿҭ㒂⋯ᮆᐆチὸᆥ                   of Ecology is only open to the public
ਬᇵ⊫෥៌‗⩷ᢚᾖ⢅ア ᇵΠ                   during holidays. Its macaron-colored,
Ƨকగ⡘⡁ᮆ᠇⾊ᴬḎ⻼ৱ᪩Ә                   European-style candy house has become
℅⠗ షੇ⍴۫ლ⠗ӰᄰӯDz⯼                   a trending sensation on social media! The
᯺⿅ً஀Ӎ                            zigzag design of the school’s barrier-free
                                 space is practical and beautiful, and the
                                 tea garden view deck at the back of the
                                 hill offers a distant view of the Yunlin
                                 and Chiayi Plains.

࿽ఢ ⿅ᆡ⁧ပச༖ɮ                                                                   21

No. 50-2, Shibi Gukeng Township
Open on holidays
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