Page 20 - 雲林縣政府專刊《雲好景》
P. 20

CH1Family Fun


˘ ྫྷ Yunlin County
੓‫ޅ‬   Magistrate

     Children's Club

᪲⊨⁧⻩াⰼထ௟Ⅶ෥ Ɗ̬Ο                               Converted from the old magistrate’s
Ӥᄾԡᰏᮆҭ⯎⩞⯳ Πⱙ₯ᾬ                               mansion, the entrance not only has
⋯⢹Ֆ᦯Ϊ❽レḣǎᗝӟ‫ൂ؀‬                                an eye-catching cartoon track, but the
Dz║၄⊥ᶫপ៌Ơ⬮ Αṋӣ                                colorful interior and toy-decorated
ᄳ Шഹҙ ᮰უҙ ⥻৞Әࡘ                               windows are also beloved by children.
᦯ ᙗㄽ༖Ⳡ ƾጼᮆ⯫෼᦯Ϊ                               With art and science as the main theme,
ҙᑚჀᑇ‫౓܇‬கᖐᑜ ϾㄇΠқ                               the children’s books, creative area and
␒Ϲ౨ƻまᾕɗ᪩Ⴠᑇ‫׻‬                                  educational area are rich and fun. Gentle
                                             reminder: the second floor of the play
                                             area is thoroughly disinfected for every
                                             time slot. Do not forget to reserve a time
                                             slot in the museum beforehand!

           ࿽ఢ ⿅ᆡাⰼΑṋㄇ༖ɮ

            09:00-12:00 13:00-18:00
         No. 212, Gongzheng St. Douliu City
         09:00-12:00 ; 13:00-18:00
18 (Closed on noon & Mon. - Tues.)
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