Page 16 - 雲林縣政府專刊《雲好景》
P. 16

CH1Family Fun


ආࠎ   Yunlin
ྖ‫׊‬   Used Toy
͵ආ   House


      Ӎ៌ΤᐓᕣϢค ⅙ʛష෥៌Α                          Originally the site of the Gongzheng
      ṋ⯫෼Ḏ⻼ ుΟӤࠥ⻮ϾḎ⻼                          Police Station, it was renovated and
      ൅ ໵΍ ▧▧ӯ⟹ପಕ ѡ⊑                          turned into a children’s play space. From
      Ӻ‫ۿ‬ᮆ᦯Ϊ⥻৞ಝ㇮Əϧ⻮Ϲグ                          the entrance door to the sense of space
      ဎᾞ ⥜ঠṋ۸⯫෼Ƨヾপ℺ဎ                          and lighting, every aspect of the space is
      ᾞՖᩛʕƧ⠗౺                                 cleverly thought out. The toys collected
                                              from all over the world are rich and
           ࿽ఢ ⿅ᆡƾญ᦯Ϊਬ༖ɮ                       organized in different categories, so
                                              that children can learn the concepts of
                               191            storage organization and environmental
            +886-5-533-8951                   protection while having fun.
            09:00-12:00 13:00-18:00
         No. 191, Zhongzheng Rd. Douliu City
         09:00-12:00 ; 13:00-18:00
14 (Closed on Mon. - Tues.)
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