Page 13 - 雲林縣政府專刊《雲好景》
P. 13

74 Strolling for Seniors                                                   108  ĴĴ 076 ࠥ‫⏝Ⳏݙ‬၄҂ㄇ
                                                                           110                    Dapi Pickled Mustard Cultural Center
76 050 ࠧ஀⅟✥                                                                112            077 DŽ஁қᐚΤ۫
     Douliu   Taiping Old Street                                           114  Baozhong Five-Year Royal Lords Park
77 ĴĴĴ 051 ✞‫ך‬⡍౺ㄇ                                                                ĴĴ 078 ⲏ㏡ԊϢ᪤‫ۿ‬၄҂۫ҙ
                                House of Citizen-Memorial Hall of          118                    Teresa Teng's Birthplace Cultural Park
                                Attendance                                 120
78 ĴĴĴ 052 ၌Υ⿅Ƙ✥᪤ᕠ↓␢                                                       123            079 এ৸‫׻‬ᡅ║✢ᅰ
                                The Yunzhong Street Cultural and Creative  126  Sihu Boziliao “OhBear Art Village”
                                Zone                                       128
                                                                           129           080 Ӱ⟲ᖀӤဘƽਬ
79 053 ᒤ΍ဘƽਬ ⾐⊦ᓩ՝‫כ‬                                                         131  Taixi    Taixi Haikou Story House
     Gukeng   Yongguang Story House Cafe                                   133  ĴĴ 081 ᖀӤ஌ᕣϢค
80 054 ԁ౛৑۫                                                                136                    Haikouzhuang Police Station
     Huwei    Tongxin Homeland                                             138           082 ᒢᆡⱶゥಕ㑘ဘƽㄇ
82 ĴĴĴ 055 ⿅ᆡହ❆෼ㄇ                                                          140  Linnei   Yan Sih Chi Story House

                                The Yunlin Puppet Theatre Museum                         083 ෥㒂ᙣ‫⾉ۨۿ‬ᩛ߇║✢ঝ

84 ĴĴĴ 056 ௟ۨ᯷ᅰ                                                                 Kouhu         Cheng Long Wetlands International

                                Jianguo Military Dependents’ Village                           Environmental Arts Season

86 ĴĴĴ 057 ӽԁ௜⊫                                                                          Season's Limited

                                7KH -RLQW 2৽FH %XLOGLQJ

87 ĴĴĴ 058 ▢ਣ⺱፠                                                                          084 ⎄ଐᏎ⌜ঝ

                                The Huwei Steel Bridge                          Gukeng   Caoling Cherry Blossom Season

88 ĴĴĴ 059 ▢ਣ㇃                                                                  ĴĴ 085 Ӱវ՝‫כ‬Ị

                                Huwei Station                                                     7DLZDQ &RৼHH )HVWLYDO

89 ĴĴĴ 060 ⿅ᆡဘƽㄇ                                                                ĴĴ 086 ⿅ᆡৃ৑መ⌜ᵫ

                                Yunlin Story House                                                Yunlin Hakka Tung Blossom Festival

90 061 ⟲⚭ࠥ፠                                                                              087 ⿅ᆡ⁧ᆡΠⱶᾶ၇♽ঝ

     Xiluo    The Xiluo Bridge                                                  Linnei   3XUSOH &URZ %XWWHUÀ\ 6HDVRQ

92 ĴĴĴ 062 ⟲⚭௝஀⅟✥၄҂ㄇ                                                                     088 ҃ᗿᡯᄺ

                                Xiluo Yanping Old Street Cultural Museum        Beigang  Beigang Lantern Festival

93 ĴĴĴ 063 ມ၄ᄳ⽡                                                                 ĴĴ 089 Ɔᄽᬷफᵙ

                                Jhen Wen Academy                                                  The Craze for Mazu in March

94 ĴĴĴ 064 ‫ݙ‬ゑ₟ᅖΤ۫                                                                        090 ℁⪷᪳Ꮞ⌜ࠥ⯳

                                Pitou Picture Book Park                         Tuku     Mountain Ebony Orchid Blossom Avenue

95 065 ۴த஌న‫ޔ‬                                                                             091 ࠥ‫ݙ‬ᷧ⎄၄҂║✢ঝ

             Tuku                 )RUPHU 7XNX 7RZQVKLS 2৽FH                     Dapi     Dapi Straw Cultural Arts Festival

96 ĴĴĴ 066 ۴தဘƽਬ                                                                         092 ન⇔ᅓቜ⌜⯳

                                Tuku Story House                                Lunbei   Lunbei Cotton Tree Avenue

97 067 ƾનဘƽਬ                                                                    ĴĴ 093 ⿅ᆡ⡱঵ৃ৑၄҂Ị

     Erlun    The Erlun Story House                                                               Yunlin Zhaoan Hakka Cultural Festival

98 068 ҃ᗿᒢ⯳ゑ၄҂۫ҙ                                                                         094 ⿅ᆡ⏅መ⌜ᖀỊ

     Beigang  Beigang Head of Waterways Culture Park                            Citong   Yunlin Cihtong Flower Festival

100 ĴĴ 069 ⾤⾣⬔                                                                  ĴĴ       095 ౬⿅ৌὍᾖ᝝ହ

                                Jiyaxuan                                        Huwei         Pink Waterfall at Zhong Yun Temple

101 ĴĴ 070 ҃ᗿࠥై෼⽡                                                               ĴĴ       ำ096 ۨ⾉˼෼Ị
                                                                                              Yunlin International Puppet Theater Festival
                                Beigang Dafu Theater
                                                                                         097 ℅Ǘፒࠥ⯳
102 ĴĴ 071 ҃ᗿନ║‫܉‬
                                                                                              Silk Floss Tree Avenue
                                Beigang Craft Workshop

103 ĴĴ 072 ມ⊦෼⽡                                                                 ĴĴ       р098 ▢ਣ᪢☴☴➓ὸᅌ
                                                                                ĴĴ            Huwei Sweet Honey Season
                                Zhen Xing Theater
                                                                                         099 ▢ਣƘ·၄҂ঝ
104 073 ㏐৸
                                                                                              Huwei Zhongyuan Cultural Festival
            Yuanchang Luliao

105            074 ၌Ҩϧਥ⊨⮋Τ௜⊫                                                              100 ⿅ᆡᖀᔸでጱᵫ                                 ഀ

     Dounan            )RUPHU 2৽FH %XLOGLQJ RI 'RXQDQ %UDQFK                    Sihu Yunlin Summer & Music Festival

106 075 Ɔᶢ۫                                                                            Index

     Dapi     Sam-Sìu Garden
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