Page 27 - 雲林縣政府專刊《雲好景》
P. 27

Places to Recharge During Holidays


θ ۲ Yunlin Linnei
֋ա   Taro  Ecological
পโ   Experience Park

ΐӽ៖ުᵄҙ Ӱ⢤ 㐁۴Ƨഹ                      Combined with the meaning of Ou-
৤ഹ ᆡΠဥ⋽ⱙ໻௑ᜢᒢᙖ↿                      Tou (Taiwanese for black earth), Yunlin
ᓗ㐁۴᪤᪦ᮆ⋽ゑ෥៌᫔‫ۿ‬ջ                       Linnei Taro Ecological Experience
ᣄ ⽣Шഹಝ㇫㇀ ƳDz⋽ρ஗                      Park promotes taro produced in the
෥៌⠗΍Ǔ㐋 ƖƠ⮋ࣅጱಝҚ                      fertile black soil of Zuoshui River as
⩈ᮆའᒢỊ ۸⠊এ⯫ጱƘ൅ӟ                      a local brand. In addition to creative
Όᒈᮆའᒢ၄҂                             experiences, the taro ice store has also
                                    become a highlight of the attraction. An
࿽ఢ ⿅ᆡ⁧ပச༖ɮ                          entertaining family-friendly water rush
                                    festival is held to experience the culture
                                78  of water rush festivals in the olden days.
    10:00-17:00                                                                                         25
No. 78, Wutu Linnei Township
(Closed on Tues.)
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