Page 49 - 雲林縣政府專刊《雲好店》
P. 49

47 Stay in Your Ideal Home


ј ආ Backstreet
ࠎྖ      Inn

ϔซ      Homestay




⅟⼜Б⬆ใΟΑṋ║✢ဥ⇇Қヾ                      The owner had devoted himself to chil-
஁ ⭮Ⅶ ᡿ᒈ৔ ۸⯍ቮฃএ                      dren’s art education for more than 10
➀ΉᚑǦঙঙƊ˃ᮆӺᷡȺջ                       years before turning his attention to run-
⥜᫐⊥ฃএষ℅ΐӽ ۸⅟ฃএ                      ning a homestay facility. The house is
ၟ❽ᛙƘ ⯆⯮᫐Ⱥ ⯗ΐӥǡ                      ¿OOHG ZLWK KLV YDULRXV ZRUNV  7KH SDLQW-
ਊ⢅ ၧ㈠ҙƘਈั੃ၧ⊑ଯᮆ                      ings perfectly blend in with the house.
Ɓᢿᦞۨ                                The new decorations of the house and
                                    the paintings form dialogues between
࿽ఢ ㇮Ⅎᨘ                              the past and the present, enabling guests
                                    WR  ¿QG  WKHLU  RZQ  VSDFH  LQ  WKH  EXV\  SDUW 
                       1-2          of the town.
    08:00-21:00                                                                                         47
No. 1-2, Shihou St. Xiluo Township
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