Page 131 - 雲林縣政府專刊《雲好店》
P. 131

129 Wall of Books for Daily Life


඗ઉ      Su Yuan
ӻ૵      Zhen




DzΡᾱホヶ㐋៌Ơ ༖ɮヴ᪤㏲                                  The restaurant emphasizes all-vegetar-
″ ᚊՂ ᳘ὬẇάΪӥႄՂՖ                                  ian meals. There are healthy noodles,
˯யⰍ࿀ ɞϾƾન਌ⱶ⹜ ೯                                  braised foods, savory rice pudding, and
ῘਊƊ⇸⸉⯮ᮆῘ࡫ၟᙲՂ ⣃                                  various traditional dishes and healthy
ѝ౜Ḏ∿Ⅶభ ୖ␵ᚑ⩈ ࠥ↸                                  selections. This is one of the eateries
Ⅶᐝ                                              with wonderful new flavors you must
                                                not miss when visiting the town.

࿽ఢ ╲ⱀპ Ƈ ㇮Ⅎᨘ ƈ



10:00-13:00 16:30-18:00                      /

No. 30, Zhongxing Rd. Erlun Township                                                     129
10:00-13:00 ; 16:30-18:00
(Closed on Sun. and Sat. closed irregular.)
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