Page 130 - 雲林縣政府專刊《雲好店》
P. 130

CH3Corner of Scrolls


ቌ ᖼ Dong-Yuan
     Rice   Husking

㥯 Factory

     (Rice Dojo)


ⱶ ᆁ⯼ᳲὁ௎Шṃၧ                                      ஁

Ɩ۸   ஁໻Ϣ ࡘ᪱ὁ ջ                                     Dong-Yuan Rice Mill was founded in
                                                   Erlun Township, known as Taiwan’s
ᣄ ஁ณ⯔ ṵƁᷧ‫ޔ‬                                         barn, in 1972. The mill launched its
                                                   Good Farm Rice brand in 1992. In 2017,
෥ṃṵƁ⊵ᷧㄇਅ੃⧩‫ࠟ ޔ‬Ƥ                                     it established its #1 Rice Field, where its
                                                   retail storefront and Dojo cafe are locat-
՝‫כ‬௜  ௝₹ջᣄὫ                                         ed to grow the brand image of the com-
                                                   pany, which is about safety, health, reg-
ᵟ ঵Ρ ˯ய ヴ᪤⊥℅Ղ                                      imen and flavor. The efforts are meant
                                                   to incorporate creativity into the locally
ᮀ༮ШഹὫᵟ ਄۸‫ۿ‬᪤᪦ᷧὁ                                     produced rice for food dishes, and all
                                                   visitors have applauded the results.
⚋Οၧ၍᧮ƧƘ ɞⅢᮇᄾࡘ⡲

           ࿽ఢ ╲ⱀპ

         No. 365, Zhongshan Rd. Erlun Township
         09:00-18:00 (Closed on Sun.)

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