Page 121 - 雲林縣政府專刊《雲好店》
P. 121

119 Wall of Books for Daily Life


௟็      The  My                           Puppets
ቜ௚      Cultural                          and


㥯㥭 Creative

Dz⻩஁⾰Ї˼ゑϢ⬆ᮆసឲҽ୒                            Master Yen-Ching Hsu was a known
ᢳ Ω৑ၴషǗ⻴Шᮆ෼˼၄Ш                            figure who specialized in sculpting
۫ҙဎ╇ƻ␵Ԃᮆହ❆෼⠘⋯                             puppet heads. His family descendants
 Ϋ⠘⋯⥄࡝ Ӳ⋲၄ ᾱⰙᯧ                            established the Puppets’ Home Cultural
㐁ᮁⱇԊẇẇ ᫄రࠥ৑⮝⩨⾼                            Creativity Park to store the collection
⟹⤶˼ᮆ℅ ˼ᮆᾺỊ                                of characters from many famous glove
                                          puppetry shows, such as Yen-We Shih,
࿽ఢ ˼ᮆ৑ ෼˼၄Ш۫ҙ༖ɮ                           Huan-Jen Su, Mr. Black and White, etc.,
                                          and visitors can have the opportunity
                          506             to have a closer look of the beauty and
    +886-5-597-0699                       details of puppets.
No. 506, Jianguo 3rd Rd. Dounan Township                                                                    119
09:00-18:00 (Closed on Mon.)
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