Page 116 - 雲林縣政府專刊《雲好店》
P. 116

CH3Corner of Scrolls




       ญӉ‫ྻ▭׋‬ᄾῘɋᮆ‫᧮ۿ‬ȫ⃭ ‫ۿ‬                         Soo Home is at an excellent geographic
       ▧ᅋࠦৌ⽏⮝ ㄴৃ῟₫ƊῘ ᐔ                         location. It is close to Chaotian Temple,
       ▧⽣ƻ༖ɮ↡Ǘ՝‫⊥כ‬Ὰ⁌◼ίӯ                         where visitors can see streams of wor-
       Dz೬⻻ջՂƧࠜ ƾጼ⾐␵Ɗԁᎍ                         shippers. The shop serves select coffee
       ᅌᄾӺ⊑Ɗԁᮆ਴⠔ ⟳ᒪュホᮆ                         and delicate cakes for visitors to try in
       ᒢᙅՖջ⧯Ƨヾ ǎ෺тณ⯔Ḏ⻼                         a leisure setting, and the second floor
       ᮆ║✢ᒕ೐                                   KDV YDULRXV H[KLELWLRQV DW GL൵HUHQW WLPHV 
                                               of the year. The shop is committed to
           ࿽ఢ ญӉ‫▭׋‬༖ɮ                           the standard and quality of food and
                                               beverage served and creating the artistic
                               41              atmosphere of the space.
         No. 41, Huaxing St. Beigang Township

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