Page 96 - 雲林縣政府專刊《雲好物》
P. 96

CH3Stress-Relieving Snacks



      Ӥᘠⱶȫၧ⿅ᆡ⁧ᄸҨᔁᖀƁ      Kouhu Township is located in the
      ୖ ヴᐱᚓዏ⊦᮷ ᑚ஁        southernmost coastal area of Yunlin
                         County, where aquaculture and fishery
           ᄽ៌៖㉄⥻ဎᮆঝỊ Ӥᘠ  businesses are prosperous. The season
      ⾐▧ӯ⟹ⴐ㏺⋯ᮆ៖㉄এ⿵ࠦᄡ     of mullet harvest is every November
      ᄪ ᑚ஁ ᄽ⿅ᆡҙᚓᄺ⊧⮋      and December, and visitors get to see
                         golden mullet roe dried under the sun
         ៖㉄Ị ᕠљ Ⱅ⾤ዏⅢ਴ַ   everywhere in Kouhu. Fishermen’s
      ջ⧯ዕɋᮆ៖㉄এ ៖㉄⇝ ៖     associations in Yunlin host a mullet fes-
      ㉄≐ẇᯏ⼭៖㉄᪦ջ Ɩ໻Ϣ⽖     tival every December, inviting industry
      ⴎ៖㉄ࠥヶ ଽᅊᖐ⧋Ⅲၧ᪦‫ۿ‬     peers to exhibit high quality mullet roe,
      ⇸ホ఼ၟ㉲Ә঵౛           stomach, milt and other related products
                         and promote mullet delicacies in limited
94 ࿽ఢ ㇮Ⅎᨘ                quantity so that consumers can enjoy
                         the fresh products close by the place of
                         origin with peace of mind.
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