Page 94 - 雲林縣政府專刊《雲好物》
P. 94

CH3Stress-Relieving Snacks



ᒢᆡⱶ᪲ၧ۴ࠅ੃ၧҡᲁ۴ Ә  The sandy soil mix in Shuilin Township
ୖᄾ㏎㏌ಝ ఼Dz᪤᪦Ϣ㇫‫ܪ‬᳦  has the alkaline properties that can help
ࠥ Ӥ൅•৚ӘΪ㇮᪦ⴎᮆࡘ᫏  grow sweet potatoes that are large in
┭ ɗ఼ᒢᆡᄾ ᫏┭Ӎⱶ Ƨ  size, dense in texture and high in yield,
℅ᷤ ᑚ஁ҚƁᄽ⊧⮋ ᒢᆡ᫏  and the town is known as the hometown
┭၄҂Ị Ⱅ⾤۸‫ۿ‬਌⮒਴ַ   of sweet potato. The sweet potato festi-
ᒢᆡᣡ⋯⮒᪦ Ɩ⊧⮋Ӻ௪ᯏ⼭  val in Shuilin is held every November. It
⨽Ղᕠљ ɗӺ‫⇸ৃ⯫ۿ‬൅ӟ۸  features agricultural products grown by
‫ۿ‬チഃՖջ‫ڣ‬ᒢᆡ᫏┭ᮆࡘᙲ   local farmers and various fun activities
Ղ               to feel the local culture and try the good
                taste of sweet potatoes.

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