Page 124 - 雲林縣政府專刊《雲好物》
P. 124

CH4Cultural Creativity Fine Goods



      ▢ਣ⹜Ⴖۨ᪦ᑣଶ᪦ዏ↓␢ᮆⴌ  Huwei Township used to be an import-
      ⹜ ᧧ǡ෥уШഹ⭮‫ ܪ‬෥៌⠗  ant town of the domestic towel industry
      ΍Шഹ၄҂᪦ዏ ณ⯔▢ਣᑣଶ  cluster. It has successfully gone through
      ᮆǓ᯼ջᣄ ⻴๫၄Шၟ‫׋‬፯   a transformation to become a tourism
      ᑚ஁Қᄽ⊧⮋ ⿅ᆡଶఛⅮ‫║ۿ‬  and creative culture industry to establish
      ✢Ị ᧧‫ޔ‬ᄾࠥ‫ܪ‬ᮆᑣଶ❽⃭   a brand image of towels manufactured
      ║✢ Ɩ⦾⯗⿅ᆡᮆᑣଶ᪦ዏ   in Huwei and explore new business
      ၮ৔ヶュዏӚᣡ⋯‫Ⱅ ۥ׋‬⣃Ρ  opportunities in the cultural creativity
      Ӱᒈ᯾Ⰽ⧼ᑣଶᯏ⼭ᮆ၄Ш‫׋‬   industry. A towel and farmland art fes-
      ջ Ɓԁ⯫᦯⿅ᆡ        tival is held in Yunlin every October.
                      There are large-scale towel installation
122 ࿽ఢ ╲ⱀპ            artworks at the site. Yunlin’s towel in-
                      dustry operators, hotels, food and bev-
                      erage businesses, and popular business
                      districts collaborate for the festival and
                      invite all visitors to come to town to buy
                      the related products and tour Yunlin.
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