Page 105 - 雲林縣政府專刊《雲好物》
P. 105

One Bite at a Time


࡚˿      Sesame


pasteĊ 㥭

ᦿⳲ ᪦⊑ၧ۴த⹜Ɓ᪳এᮆぶ              Tuku paste is made by Shuncheng Oil
෥ᓻ௎ Χᄾ⌜᪤ ᮁ⌊㏵ 㐁              Company which has been in business
⌊㏵Ɔᷡջふ ‫܇‬Ⴖ۸‫ۿ‬᪦᪤ᮆ              for more than 60 years. The paste is
ひᾫӍ၍➓Ⱥ ƊᗦфƵ҂м               available in peanut, white sesame and
‫ۓ‬ᐔⳲㄴⳘӉ ࠦ᠒˯ய ު๖              black sesame flavors. All flavors are
ԅӵ෪ᡝホ๤឴‫܇‬Ⴖ℅ՂㄱⰍ               made from top-quality raw materials
                            locally produced without adding emulsi-
                            ¿HUV  +HQFH  WKH SDVWH KDV D QDWXUDO DQG 
                            healthy thickness, and is the top choice
                            DV D WRDVW VSUHDG RU VWLU IU\LQJ ÀDYRULQJ 

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