Page 102 - 雲林縣政府專刊《雲好物》
P. 102

CH3Stress-Relieving Snacks


͇ำ   Peanut


soupр ‫܅‬



      ⿅ᆡ⁧‫ۓ‬۴⧯⊥ᒕʸቂǻ ᯏ᫔  The local soil quality and weather con-
      Ⰱӽ␢⌜᪤ᮆ᪤⻩ ջ⧯⊥᪦ⴎ  ditions have made Yunlin County quite
      ȲΡۨƧλ ⿅ᆡ⽋ӥтΤӵᣡ  suitable for the growth of peanuts, and
      ϹⰍ᪩۸‫ۿ‬਌⮒ Dz⊑᠒⮒ᔔሉ  the quality and yield are the highest in
      ᷡƧ␢⌜᪤ ⯆⯮ࠦ᠒ႁᄪ ⊑  the country. Agric Social Enterprise
      ᠒ƶᢄ ʕ᫄ȭ⌜᪤Ƨ㉲᪢Ӥ   selects peanuts grown by local farm-
      ൅ ໻Ϣ ⿅ᆡ਌⮒⌜᪤ᘴ    ers adopting natural farming methods
      ዺᦇ⿅ᆡ⋭ջᥭᮆᐩዺ      and natural sun-drying to preserve the
                      freshness and sweetness of peanuts. It
100 ࿽ఢ ╲ⱀპ            introduces its Yunlin farmers’ peanut
                      soup which has won the honor of Yunlin
                      select souvenirs.
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