Page 99 - 雲林縣政府專刊《雲好景》
P. 99

Touring New Historic Landmarks


ࠁ።      The Erlun
΍Ϋ      Story House




ƾનဘƽਬӍႶ௟ṃၧ                             ஁   Originally established as the Erlun Police
                                           Station in 1899, the Erlun Story House
ᮆƾનᕣϢค                                 ஁ӥ  has been transformed from a community
                                           guardian into a cultural converger
⫍ᕠ҂షుᵄҙ঴⥉ᵟ⭮៌၄҂                             through the revitalization of the heritage
                                           site in 2014. This elegant Japanese
                                           building has long been a center for
                                           community development through local
                                           storytelling, reading and art activities.

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࿽ఢ ㇮Ⅎᨘ                                                                                 97

    09:00-17:00/ 13:00-21:00/
No. 102, Zhongshan Rd. Erlun Township
09:00-17:00 Sat. 13:00-21:00
(Closed on Mon. - Tues.)
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