Page 137 - 雲林縣政府專刊《雲好店》
P. 137

135 Wall of Books for Daily Life


චң      San  Shui
։Ꮬ      Coffee





Ш⮋ⅢᮆǗ᪤ဘƽ ƳႶ՝‫כ‬௜                         The life story of the owner is another
ᮆƁ⯳ᗝՂ ⨡ϵుƽ᫇ᣔዏᮆ                         flavor of the cafe. Originally engaged
⅟⼜ ΐ࣫Ƨష⊥ࢁএ⻴‫ך‬ƻ՝                         in the animal husbandry business, his
‫כ‬௜ᮆǗ᪤ ‫׮‬ᒢ՝‫⽣כ‬ƻ༖ɮ                         wife and he started operating the cafe
⻺ュ⊥ջٖ՝‫כ‬ᮆ‫ޔ‬ӽ Ƴшт                         DIWHU  JHWWLQJ  PDUULHG     6DQ  6KXL  &R൵HH 
̞⯴ဘⱶẴএ৸ᮆᣡ⋯ÝÝ Ɓ                         provides a place for people to relax and
ᷡᡝഃ⊥ǗഃՂ                                HQMR\ FR൵HH DQG FRQYH\V WKH VWRULHV DQG 
                                       characteristics of their hometown in Po-
࿽ఢ ‫׮‬ᒢ՝‫כ‬༖ɮ                              Zhi-Liao. The place is all about passion
                                       and people’s warmth.
    +886-919-711-612/+886-922-670-850                                                                    135
No. 247, Boziliao Sihu Township
10:00-19:00 (Closed on Tues.)
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